Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 1: Lighting

Here's my third lighting study and an unfinished fourth that I'm struggling on.  

I'm pleased with the first one from Inglourious Basterds.  The scene in general is extremely interesting with the big circle window and the red dress.  Got a little lazy toward the end and decided not to do the desk or the mirror frame. lol

This second, unfinished, one is from the Hobbit.. aaand I started it in color but was struggling so much that I decided to just drop it to black and white and work on it that way.  And I know it's just a lighting study, but I also don't like that I lost all of the angles and flattened the image. lol  Will he get frustrated and throw his painting into the recycling bin or push forward and finish it like a man?  Tune in next time to learn the answers to these questions and more!


  1. Hello Beswick - these look great, especially the first one!

    I'm just curious - how were you able to take these high res stills? I often want to practice with stillframes from movies, but whenever I insert a DVD into my computer, it won't let me take screengrabs. So far I've been practicing with the images from this blog -

    1. I have a program called Picasa that saves screenshots when you hit printscreen so I was spamming it while watching the 720p version of Inglourious Basterds that I, uhh, downloaded.

      The hobbit screenshot was just one I randomly found while googling.
