Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sexual Edumucation

So this week has been all about fighting my bad habits and urges.  Trying to eat healthy, wake up early, try to not play games or waste a whole lot of time doing unproductive things, and draw every day.   I'm also trying to piece together some animations that I want to do. It's gone half good, half bad.

I've been doing a lot of gesture drawings and following along with some Michael D Mattesi videos and the FORCE books. It's helping a lot I think.

My friend also showed up one day and in a rather short amount of time we managed to randomly record some stuff out of boredom.  I think it was a productive use of my time.   I'm not sure if I think it's funny because we're in it, or if it's actually funny.. so you should tell me!

I made this random creepy screen to go with it too.  It was my friends idea to have that sex ed stuff in.. In a way I think its funny, but I also think its creepy.  lol

Recently installed TF2, it's taken 2 days of my life already.  Give me a productivity pill please.