Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 11 & 12: Reptar and Stephenson

My choices were The Dinosaurs from the TGIF show "Dinosaur", Dino from The Flintstones, Yoshi, or Gozilla

Day 11 - Most Influential Person
Day 11 is below day 12 because I didn't like it as much. lol  I didn't know what to do for this one.  This is hardly someone who changed my life and molded me.. and I honestly feel silly for just drawing him because I only read one book of his.  But the book Snow Crash got me interested in reading about mythology, ancient Mesopotamia, and Christianity/Islam/Judaism a bit more.  It's probably the one thing that has changed most about me recently.

Or it might just be Tenzin from The Legend of Korra.  He taught me how to air bend.

Also used Google+'s Hangouts on Air feature to record a sketching session and send it straight to my youtube account.  Later on I downloaded the clips and edited them in premiere pro.  Was extremely nice.  If you want to see how often I go back and forth and then eventually give up on value/color:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Drawing Challenge Day 10 - Useless Superpower

Look, it's Tea-Time! He's a master of disguise because of his knack for creating royal hats out of thin hair. He can also materialize rather nasty tasting cups of tea. Though, like many heroes and villains, he too has a weakness.. his kryptonite is the fact that he can only use his powers at 5pm in the UK.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Drawing Challenge Day 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Day #4 - Favorite Muppet or Jim Henson character.

I don't have a particular favorite.. so I googled a bunch that had an interesting style to them.  I had a list of Clifford, Pepe, Crazy Harry, and Animal.. but I decided to go with Sweetums.

Day #5 - Favorite Musician or Band.

I went with Bear McCreary.  I don't know if I like the soundtracks because I liked the shows.. but I feel extremely productive when I'm listening to, say, the Battlestar Galactica season 3 ost.
Day #6 - An Idiom Literalized.

Day #7 - Favorite Movie Quote.
I couldn't remember many quotes from my favorite movies.. so I decided to watch one that I thought was funny.  Role models.

Day #8 - Favorite Animated CharacterI was going to go with just Ren and Stimpy, but I also find Adventure Time to be pretty damn hilarious.  I don't know if that makes me immature or not. lol

Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 day drawing challenge!

I've been procrastinating.  I'm a molding potato.. and video games have taken over my dreams.   So, I'm going to ween myself back to productivity with this 30 day drawing challenge that some friends of friends of friends have started on Facebook.

Day #1 - Self Portrait

Day #2 - Mythological Creatures.  Frost Giants?  Or just giant vikings?
You can tell I waited till the last minute and just started scribbling.  :(

Day #3 - First Album/Co
If I ignore the Christian albums/hymns I had forced on me as a child, the first real album I remember buying was this WCW soundtrack.  I didn't even watch wrestling that much.. I just remember randomly grabbing Final Fantasy 7 and this off a shelf.  Was the first time I really listened to Metallica or Limp Bizkit.